
Discover insights and research on topics from industry and academia
  • Case Studies

Optimization of droplet dispersion mixing

Motivation The interfacial surface area in liquid-liquid dispersion controls the mass transfer between the phases.…
  • Publications

Online measurement of sugar crystallization with a portable non-intrusive instrument

SIT 2019 Conference Paper Abstract This paper presents results from a measurement campaign at a…
  • Case Studies

Optimization of droplet size and purity

Motivation Catalyst particles are produced in a liquid-liquid process. The characteristics of the formed droplets…
  • Case Studies

Dirt detection in bleached pulp suspension

Motivation Uncooked components, bark and similar impurities appear as quality defects in paper, board and…
  • Case Studies

Analysis of fiber refining

Motivation Refining is used to optimize stock properties (disintegration, fiber fibrillation, fiber morphology) to improve…
  • Case Studies

Online measurement of a spray coating process

Motivation Spray coating is used in granule production both to apply active ingredient on the…
  • Case Studies

Grinding quality control

Motivation Wet grinding is used in mineral processing to control particle size distribution. The optimization…
  • News

Pixact at ISIC 2023

Pixact’s Hannu Eloranta and Markus Honkanen are attending the International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization in…
  • Case Studies

Monitoring of a flotation in water treatment facility

Motivation The feed and operating conditions of an industrial water treatment facility vary considerably. Disturbances…
  • Case Studies

Monitoring of a mineral flotation cell

Motivation The performance of a flotation process is determined by the separation efficiency of the…
  • Case Studies

Optimization of foam generation

Motivation In foam-laid forming the properties of the foam are crucial for optimal process performance…
  • Case Studies

Optimization of the enzyme harvesting

Motivation Enzymes produced by Trichoderma fungi are harvested by precipitation or flash crystallization from the…
  • Case Studies

Monitoring fungi cultivation

Motivation In bioprocesses the morphology of fungi culture is crucial for the enzyme production efficiency.…
  • Case Studies

Optimization of gas dispersion in delignification

Motivation Oxygen delignification is used in pulp mills for lignin removal. The quality of oxygen…
  • News

Pixact at XXXI ISSCT congress in Hyderabad, India

Markus Honkanen and Hannu Eloranta participated the XXXI ISSCT congress in Hyderabad, India on 20th-23th…
  • News

Pixact at IMPS 2022

Pixact participated International Munich Paper Symposium in May 23 – 25, 2022. IMPS is the…